Some people take great pause before venturing into the office of a dentist. The fear of getting their teeth worked on, even if it just for a cleaning, is very great for them. To help set the mind at ease, here are a few interesting facts about teeth to peruse before Dental Cleaning in Scottsdale AZ.
• The results of numerous surveys strongly indicate that the first thing someone notices about another person is their smile. This is a great reason why it is so important to take care of one’s teeth.
• The part of the body that has been scientifically proven to be the hardest is tooth enamel.
• When it comes to injuries of the dental variety that children sustain, the most common area to suffer trauma is the two front teeth. Hence the popular song from Bing Crosby.
• In the United States, almost 14 million gallons of toothpaste will be purchased on an annual basis. That’s a lot of clean teeth.
• When a tooth has been knocked out, it starts to die within 15 minutes. This is why it is necessary to get to the dentist quickly if a tooth gets knocked out.
Even More Tidbits
• Children eating more candy than adults is a complete myth. The reverse is actually true. On an annual basis, adults chew on 65% of all of the candy sold within the United States. It sounds like they will need some Dental Cleaning in Scottsdale AZ.
• Before the invention of tooth paste, people would use such substances as charcoal or lemon juice to aid in brushing their teeth. Luckily, Dental Cleaning in Scottsdale AZ is much more pleasant in modern times.
• The teeth which are visible are actually only a portion of your teeth. Almost one-third of each tooth is found beneath the gum line.
• When the first President of the United States, George Washington, was sworn into office, the six-star General only had one natural tooth. But, even that tooth could still be cleaned at Business Name.
To make an appointment for a dental cleaning to ensure the optimal oral health, visit . They can send the patient home happy and healthy.