Second Marriage – How to Protect Your Kids with a Prenuptial Agreement

by | Nov 24, 2021 | Lawyers & Law Firms

If you have children from a previous marriage, then you should consider protecting your assets. When planning to marry someone, it helps to have a conversation about money. Money is going to run through your relationship more than anything else. It also helps to get legal advice from a Chicago family law attorney as a couple. Read on to find out how to protect your kids with a prenuptial agreement.

Leave Assets to Children

Some people get married later in life. At this point, you have had children and established yourself financially. You may want to leave certain assets to your children. If you’re going to leave a house to your children, then it is something to draw up in a prenuptial agreement.

A Detail Financial Conversation

It is crucial to find out how your spouse thinks about money. A prenuptial agreement allows you to talk about the details of your finances. However, it is not a bad thing and should bring you closer together as a couple.

Prevents Starting Over

Getting a divorce at an older age is different from getting one in your twenties. It is harder to start over at fifty and recover assets that were supposed to go to your grown children. You should include a Chicago family law attorney when discussing your financial details as a couple.

A prenup is not only for the wealthy. It will protect what you accumulate before and after marriage. Contact Gordon & Perlut, LLC to schedule an appointment today.

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